Protects Skin From UV
UV rays from the sun can seriously damage our skin barrier. UV rays are harmful to the skin and can increase the risk of skin cancer. It also encourages premature ageing and wrinkles. When our skin burns or tans in the sun, this is actually skin trying to protect itself from the damaging UV rays. Sunscreen will help create a barrier between skin and sun to ensure there is no damage done.
Improves Skin Tone
Sunscreen also helps in the improvement of skin tone. It evens out the skin and reduces the risk of any visible skin changes as well. It is important to find a sunscreen that works best for your skin type, as well as can be used under makeup with no disruption. Whilst you are protecting your skin from harmful UV’s, you are also helping your skin to even out.

Reduces The Risk Of Cancer
The sun can damage the skin barrier and cause rapid skin changes which increases the skin cancer risk. People will moles, pale skin, and red hair should be specifically careful when being in the sun and should always reapply sunscreen throughout the day. When moles change shape, size, and texture, you should visit a doctor immediately.
Skin Elasticity
When skin is constantly exposed to the sun for a period of time with no protection, the skin will start to lose is elasticity. This means wrinkles easily develop and age spots can also start to appear on the hands and face. Sunscreen can help to build a protective barrier over the skin to ensure this does not occur.